Work with us

Currently, our team consists of 3 craftsmen who have more than 7 years experience in their respective fields. Having a design studio, opening job vacancies and sharing benefits to the community is the ninja path we’re on


afriq yasin

Afriq Yasin


I am the man behind template ninja. As a codemanga frontend I always learning about optimalize layouting and css framework. I do love designing and doodling too.

afriq yasin

Dimas Angger


You can call me Dimas but friend calls me Angger. Backend is my passion beside gaming and other things that I love. I am polyglot person I speak PHP, Ruby and Go. Half nerd half gamer.

afriq yasin

Chandra noor

I design things for Codemagna. UI/X designer job affect me to always thinking about the UX for every single thing. Love simplicity, minimalism, nature and fragrance.

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